Greetings from AIOS!

This is to inform you that the Annual General Body Meeting of the All India Ophthalmological Society will be held at the venue of the AIOC 2024 on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at Hall 6 (Mini Auditorium), Level 1, Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Kolkata .

You are requested to attend the meeting.

The following documents can be downloaded from the links below:

  • Minutes of the GBM  held on 13th May 2023 at Lulu Bolgatty International Convention Center, Kochi.
  • Minutes of the Mid-year Managing Committee Meeting of AIOS held on 16th July, 2023 (Printed in agenda book page No. 77-90)
  • Minutes of the Managing Committee Meeting of AIOS held on 13th Oct, 2023 (Printed in agenda book page No. 91-104)
  • Statement of audited accounts of the AIOS for 2022-2023 along with the auditor’s report (Printed in agenda book page No. 13-23)
  • Statement of consolidated audited accounts of AIOS and all the wings for 2022-2023 and auditor’s report (printed in agenda book page No. 24-32) 
  • Agenda of the annual GBM to be held at Kolkata during 82nd AIOS Annual Conference. (Page No. 4-12).

Soft copies of these documents are being made available to the members as per the Go Green  initiative, approved by the GBM, Mumbai, 2023

Looking forward to seeing you in Kolkata soon.
With best wishes,