The All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) is organizing its election for the office of Vice President in March 2025. The exact dates will be announced soon.

In this connection, quotations are invited from reputed vendors for conducting online elections using a safe and secure e-voting systems.


Online elections will be open for 7 days.

The number of members who are eligible to vote is around 23000.

The final voters list will be provided by the election commissioner 2 weeks before the election.

The voters list will include the name, membership number, email ID and mobile number

Voting will be authenticated by two OTPs – mobile and email.

Trial, testing and finalization of the process should be completed 3 weeks before the election.

Sensitization e-mail to all the voters describing the procedure should be sent 2 weeks before the election.

Reminder e-mail to all the voters about the election process and dates: 7 days, 3 days, 1 day

Sending voting link: 6 hours before the voting commences with a daily repeat only to those who have not voted.

Opening of the election results on an online video call or at a physical meeting with candidates/their agents: immediately after the voting ends or as decided by the President of AIOS.

The vendor must have the technology to capture the following data points – IP number, time stamp and block the specific IP number after the maximum number of votes specified by the Election Commission.

The vendor must have facilities for geotagging and geofencing.

The vendor must have the technology to send voter receipt with candidate choice by email securely to each voter. This facility may be used if required.

OTP generation should meet the standards of transactional bank OTP.

The vendor must provide facilities for voter selfie.

The vendor must have facilities for real time voted list

The vendor should have an audit trail and be agreeable to an internal and / or an external audit after the election if mandated by AIOS or to meet statutory requirements.

Vendors with prior experience of holding large-scale online elections and having experience of conducting elections for medical associations will be given priority.

Vendors with prior or ongoing litigations related to online elections should reveal details of the same.

Please submit your proposal mentioning features, security protocols, credibility (STQC accreditation or equivalent), and relevant certifications of the Government of India, along with two verifiable references from prior clients with their contact information. Submit these along with final negotiable quotation by  February 10 2025  by 5:00 pm on email

Finalization and selection of the vendor will be at the sole discretion of the officers of Election Commission, AIOS upon scrutiny and interviews.



AIOS Election Committee

Dr. R. B. Jain

Chief EO

Dr. Barun Kumar Nayak

Election Officer

Dr. Santhan Gopal

Election Officer

AIOS Appellate Commission

Dr. Rajvardhan Azad


Dr. Anita Panda


Dr. Quresh B. Maskati


Dr. Ajit B Majji


Dr. Pradeep Swarup
